The people behind the userver project

See the file AUTHORS in the source code for a list that is hopefully kept more up to date.

Originally there were several micro web servers that were developed by Abhishek Chandra and David Mosberger. These original servers were separate programs that behaved quite differently in some key areas where experiments were being conducted related to event dispatch mechanisms. Each one was about 200-400 lines of C code.

Tim Brecht started with one of these versions, added the ability to have it behave like most of the others (through command line options) and continued to expand its capabilities and options.

David Pariag contributed much of the current caching engine.

One of the hashing functions comes from Bob Jenkins.

Much of the code related to interfacing with the Linux Scalable Event Notification and Delivery (SEND) mechanisms was taken from yet another server that was modified to utilize the SEND mechanisms by Michal Ostrowski.

Brian Lynn contributed code for pre-touching a file set before running experiments and encrypting files before sending them. He and Tim Brecht worked together to define the application specific AIO API and help Tim Brecht debug it.

Craig Barkhouse contributed the code for handling dynamic requests.

Amol Shukla contributed modifications for the MAC OS and for 64-bit Opteron/Linux.

Mark Groves contributed much of the code for SSL connections.

The code for printing options using xml was contributed by Troy Moure

The code for tracking when dynamic buffers are available (i.e., when sendfile is finished with them) was contributed by Mark Groves.

The Linux kernel mods to determine when the sendfile buffers were available for reuse was contributed by Elad Lahav

The SSL support was originally done by Mark Groves with merging and debugging from Tyler Szepesi and Tim Brecht

Currently there are about 40,000 lines of code and the primary maintainer is Tim Brecht. Please send userver related mail to him.


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; overview
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; papers and documentation
; people