Welcome to the userver project

The goal of the userver project is to implement a relatively simple micro web server (userver) that is designed for conducting performance experiments related to Internet server and operating system design and implementation. The server implementation is controlled by a large number of command line options.
Latest News
Sorry we aren't very good at keeping this page up to date.

January 30, 2011

Now includes some support for SSL.

January 12, 2011

We have now made available a new version of the userver (Sept, 2010) and the source code for the WatPipe web server (Sept, 2010) These servers include quite a lot of the modifications that were made over the years since the Eurosys 2007 paper and in particular during work on Ashif Harji's Ph.D. thesis and Gary Yeung's master's thesis.

Follow the download link to the source code where you can view the CHANGELOG for for detailed information regarding changes in each version.


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